Real Desktop

Real Desktop 2.07 3D desktop environment for Windows

File name:
File version:
Virus/malware test:
May contain a virus
Beware when installing this program! It contains questionable content distributed by Somoto.

WARNING: This program is wrapped with Somoto, an adware installer considered by some to be malware. Be very cautious while installing, checking each step of the way and unchecking or skipping any additional software "Offers".

Mirrors for Real Desktop:

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Notes about this download:

  • Download was flagged Tested with 33 programs
  • Trust: 91 / 100 [Trusted - High confidence]
  • Download link works [Code: 302]
  • Hosted in the United States
  • Important: This file contains the Somoto toolbar, is generally considered a nuisance and is described by some as malware. We highly recommend caution when installing this program and carefully selecting options during the installation process.
    Please note: All files are in their original form. does not modify or wrap any file with download managers, custom installers or third party adware.

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